Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sexual Orientation

Let me start off by saying I had a very interesting weekend. Everything related to gender and sexual identity stands out in my mind since this class begun a few weeks ago. When I met my aunt and my grandparents at a restaurant this weekend I was more than surprised to hear the things they had to say about a man that was more than obvious about his homosexuality. When this man entered the restaurant my aunt almost shouted, “Look at that queen with all of his girlfriends!” Then my grandpa said, “Oh my God, could he be any more of a woman?” I was so embarrassed I tried to look at the ground until the man and his girlfriends passed our table. Didn’t my family understand that the things they said were so rude and that the man might hear them and take offense to their hurtful words?! I guess not…

            After the man walked across the restaurant and took a seat with his girlfriends I had a long talk with my family about the misconceptions and stereotypes of homosexual people. I told them that it was wrong to single out homosexuals just because of their sexual orientation and that they should not judge people. As people, we all have the right to express ourselves freely and behave in the way that we would like to. I explained especially to my grandparents, who have very traditional values, that being homosexual in today’s society is much more acceptable than it would have been in their time. I also told them that it is any person’s right to love whomever they desire and to be happy in life, without living in fear of their sexual identity. Even though my grandparents still do not agree with homosexuality they stopped gawking at the man in the restaurant and I think they finally understood why it was wrong to make fun of him and call him names. My aunt then decided to share her thoughts that she didn’t realize that such names could be hurtful and cruel. My aunt claims she has five homosexual male friends that she loves hanging out with. I am glad to hear that she is accepting of homosexual people even though her parents raised her much differently than that.

            This also made me think about the nature vs. nurture argument that we encountered in class. I still think, whether it be nature or nurture, that people should have the right to assume any sexual identity that they desire without being shunned by society or even questioned. Heterosexuals do not have to live in fear or be questioned as to why they are heterosexual, so why should lesbians or gays have to face these problems? Nobody walks around asking heterosexuals if or when they chose to be heterosexual. I think many people need to understand these things and stop searching for answers as to why people are homosexual. People are heterosexual or homosexual because they chose to be or they are born that way. End of story. I just want to tell people to stop questioning others and just be more open and accepting to ways different than their own.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Feminism - An Ongoing Battle

I think there is a huge problem affecting many people all over the United States. Many people do not understand what feminism is. A video I watched on YouTube confirmed many of the misconceptions about feminism and feminists, as well as the readings we had from Women's Views Feminist Voices. In Women's Views Feminist Voices feminists are silenced by being called "lesbians" or "men haters" but this is completely wrong and absurd. Just because a woman is an activist of Women’s Rights does not automatically label her as a lesbian. It was very frustrating to watch this video and it confirms that there is still a significant problem in our society today. Women need their voices to be heard. Everyone deserves respect and equality so that we do not have to encounter situations like some that can be seen in this YouTube clip. One of the men interviewed in the YouTube clip, on the topic of feminism, also referred to feminists as “angry women trying to get their way with the world.” I think that this is horribly wrong. One of the men also stated that he thought women had equal rights since the amendment to the constitution was passed in 1920.

Women that are feminists are just advocates for women's rights and equality for all women. Many people do not understand that being a feminist does not label a woman with any particular sexual orientation. I feel like so many people are left in the dark about feminism and women's rights and I feel that it would help so much if everyone learned these things at a younger age. This problem concerning feminism may be continuing as a result of the lack of education that children receive on this topic.

In the public schools I attended we were never taught anything about feminism or Women's Rights and I feel like everyone would have such a better understanding of feminism and people’s rights. Maybe instead of teaching children what is acceptable for their gender at an early age we should be letting children figure those things out on their own. I believe, instead, when the children reach middle school age, it would be very appropriate to address issues of feminism, sexual orientation, and how to accept people of all differences.

I admit that I had no idea what a Women's Studies class would teach me, but now that I am in this class I view everything so much differently. I can now pick out certain things that are totally ridiculous in the media and I can see how other people are so mislead on feminism and Women’s Rights. I am so happy I am taking this class or I would be viewing the world in such a different, misconstrued way.