Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fight for Reproductive Rights

            Women’s reproductive rights are being threatened by current political battles. Rush Limbaugh made an argument against women’s reproductive rights when he spoke out against Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke, and women in general for that matter. Rush Limbaugh recently said that if he “was going to have to pay for her to have sex” that she be required to post videos of in on the internet. Women’s reproductive rights are currently at the heart of the debate and the battle focuses on everything from condoms to abortion. Rush Limbaugh is clearly against women receiving any form of contraceptives, especially if his tax dollars help pay for it.  How can legislation even think about taking away women’s rights to choices?

            If a woman’s body is her own, then she should be able to choose what happens to it. If legislation is passed on this topic, then women would not have access to safe and effective types of contraception as well as abortion services. Many of the legislators promoting these laws are men, but where are the women in this decision? Other states like Virginia considered a bill requiring a woman get an ultrasound before an abortion. Laws such as these are cruel and should not be legal. Women should have a choice on what to do with their bodies, without boyfriends, husbands, or other people persuading them. The best way we could solve this problem is to have men take a stand for women and our reproductive rights. Men should speak out and actively promote legislation in favor of women’s rights, support politicians that agree with women’s rights, and promote organizations that offer medical services. Men and women need to stand together on this important issue because it will help maintain some of the reproductive rights that we have tried to achieve and maintain for so long. This issue will not only affect women, but men also. Men should hold great concern in the future of women’s reproductive rights.

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